I love the Action for Happiness calendars. You can access them via https://www.actionforhappiness.org/calendars A new one is published each month. July is all about resilience. It’s about choosing how to respond. June ended on a very low point for me, […]

The One About Key Working
David Benyon. Hettie Williams. Gwen Mayor. Ann Maguire. Phillip Lawrence. They might not all be names you recognise. What they have in common is the courage they displayed in terrifying circumstances. In all except Hettie’s classroom, those decision cost them […]
The One About Action for Happiness (20th Jan)
“Go to bed in good time and give yourself time to recharge” Today will be a pretty busy day – morning parenting, afternoon meeting in London and a late train home. My promise today is to keep my laptop switched […]
The One About Action for Happiness (18th Jan)
“Make something happen for a good cause” Having completed my CTeach qualification last summer, I have been getting involved with supporting the next cohort with their progress. To day I presented a keynote on their final phase – the action […]
The One About Action for Happiness (15th Jan)
“Put a worry into perspective and try to let it go” Well that was easy to type…. but harder by far to do! To start, which worry do I choose? I’ve been using the Headspace app this week before I […]
The One About Action for Happiness (10th Jan)
“Thank three people you’re grateful for and tell them why” Oddly, this didn’t occur as I had expected it to! I’ve had a couple of tricky days work-wise. I’m lucky to be surrounded by a wonderful, supportive team and I’ve […]
The One About Action for Happiness (9th Jan)
“Learn something new and share it with others” Tonight, I attempted to learn a tune on my new ukulele to play to my class tomorrow in our music lesson. I’m not sure I’m confident enough to wow them just yet, […]
The One About Action for Happiness (8th Jan)
“Look for the good in others and notice their strengths” As today was the first day back in the classroom, I have tried to apply this to the children – noticing little changes about them, commenting on things I have […]
The One About Being Flexible
I’ll lay all my cards on the table. I’m a teacher, I work part time, I have two children and a dog and no family very close by. When I heard this week that the DfE were releasing a document […]
The One With the Goals
I’ve been an occasional reader of The Organised Housewife (as my disorganised house will evidence!) So, when I saw that Katrina was launching a 2019 Challenge to Declutter 52 Things in 52 Weeks, I signed up. A pre-challenge task was […]