The One With the Goals

I’ve been an occasional reader of The Organised Housewife (as my disorganised house will evidence!)

So, when I saw that Katrina was launching a 2019 Challenge to Declutter 52 Things in 52 Weeks, I signed up.

A pre-challenge task was to think about what I want to achieve by the end of the challenge. So, here are my answers to the prompts:

  1. When at home I want to feel relaxed and comfortable .
  2. I want to spend more time making memories with my family.
  3. I want an area of my home I can work in without being distracted by stuff .
  4. The most disorganised cupboard in my home is the laundry supplies cupboard .
  5. The first thing I want to organise is my workspace .
  6. I don’t need anymore, but can’t part with my wedding dress .
  7. I always lose my wallet .
  8. I want to be organised by summer 2019 . (I’m assuming this was a date, not an action!)


You can join Katrina’s challenge here – good luck! I know I’ll need it.

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