The One at the End of a Difficult Year

I’m not sure if I will actually hit the publish button on this post or not. 2016 has been a really varied year, not just globally, but personally too.

It’s had its high points (MissE’s birth, an amazing holiday to Venice, our first camping trip to a music festival, MrA’s first day at school) but there have been some crushing lows too. 

I’d like to think I’ve learnt a lot. I’d like to think I’ve grown. That I’m somehow wiser and that I won’t make the same mistakes again. 

For all the wisdom I think I’ve gained, some things have been lost. There are still wounds that need to heal. Some of them will leave scars as reminders of what went before.

I didn’t know last year what lay ahead. I didn’t know what would change and how it would change me. I don’t know what next year will bring. But I do know that I’m ending 2016 a different person to the one I was when I started it. And I’m quite sure that I’ll end 2017 different again.

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