The One With More Ordinary Adventures

I read this old post earlier, and realised how much has changed… so I’m writing an update!

Swimming is no more. Mr A did not enjoy it,so we gave it up before Christmas. Monday is now our stay at home day. I do the washing, done of the cleaning and things like that. Mr A “helps” or plays with his ever-growing collection of Hot Wheels cars.


Morning still means Stay & Play at Sure Start. For Mr A, that still means playing with the sand, water tray and bikes before snack, then the tractors, cars, animals & trains after (he’s a creature of habit like his Mummy!)  After, we hurry home to get in the car & head tp gymnastics (started after swimming was abandoned!) We have a picnic at the gym club before Mr A’s lesson, which I stay & watch for the amusement value alone! After, we head to our nearest Ecotricity charging point to re-charge my car’s batteries for the week ahead. Tuesdays are often when OH heads away for work (though it’s more likely to be overseas than down South now) so the evening is set aside for a bit of planning/ironing/tv catch up/sewing. I rarely get to the sewing option now, but I’m hoping that will change in the Autumn.

This is when the real work begins.  Mr A is at nursery all day now. I do work for my second job im the morning, then I head into school at lunchtime. This week is half term, though, so I’ll be getting ahead at home rather than heading into school.

More time at the chalkface.  Last week was a Girlguiding meeting, and other weeks it’s our local WI meeting. I’m lucky that OH is usually back from his travels by Thursday evening to allow me to maintain these commitments.

More chalkface.  As it’s half term, I’m planning to spend the afternoon with OH … a “date afternoon” 🙂
Friday nights are often “Pizza Friday” – an institution at No9 (friends in the village) that we’ve invaded!

This weekend, we’re planning to tackle a garden project that’s been on the go for a while. Occasionally, we’ll go to soft play with our friends & their kids, or head to a local forest with the kids and their bikes. There’s often food involved too!

So that’s our normal week now. It’s all set to change in September, though, when Mr A starts school…. And then again in October, when #2 (currently known as Pancake) puts in an appearance!

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