The one with the de-brief

Somehow, my 102 things blogging fell by the wayside….  so, here is the very overdue de-brief on what I achieved in my 1001 days. If I ever get time, I will do a separate post for each category, but this is the general overview of what I achieved/didn’t achieve:


  1. Complete the EA Sports Active 30 Day Challenge (2/30) – I never did manage this one!
  2. Ride my bike every month for 6 months (0/6) – I never did manage this one!
  3. Try out the Lincolnshire 20s and 30s Walking Group – DONE 4/1/09
  4. Go to the theatre at least 4 times (4/4) – DONE 25/2/09
  5. Change my hair colour- DONE 17/4/09
  6. Celebrate Buy Nothing Day – 29th November – every year (2/3) – DONE
  7. Buy some shares– I never did manage this one!
  8. Walk up Steep Hill without stopping – DONE 7/12/08
  9. Download a random iTune every month for a year (12/12) – DONE 7/08/09
  10. Give blood – DONE 15/4/10
  11. Wear make-up every day for a month.(31/31) – DONE 16/3/09
  12. Have a professional bra fitting. – DONE 30/7/09
  13. Go 2 months without buying any new clothing items. – DONE 1/4/09
  14. Wear a skirt at least once every week for a term – DONE 19/12/08
  15. Try contact lenses – DONE 18/4/09
  16. Fill the £1 savings tin – DONE 24/3/09
  17. Follow a regular skincare routine for 2 months – DONE 23/4/09
  18. Win a competition *started – DONE
  19. Watch every episode of Friends – I never did manage this one, but I tried!
  20. Go without Facebook for a week – DONE 7/3/09
  21. Never have more than one basket of ironing to do for a year – DONE 7/8/09
  22. Have a non-chocolate Advent calendar – DONE 24/12/08
  23. Post to PostSecret- DONE 6/4/10
  24. Get down to a size 12 – I never did manage this one!
  25. File paperwork once a fortnight for a year – DONE 7/8/09
  26. Get a library card and borrow a book every school holiday for a year (2/6) – DONE
  27. Try sushi – DONE 16/2/09
  28. finish 9 weeks of the Couch to 5K programme   *started 2/8/10
  29. *Personal challenge* started 1/12/09


  1. Create a blog – DONE 24/7/08
  2. Learn to crochet first chain made 19/8/08
  3. Sew all my badges on my camp blanket – I never did manage this one!
  4. Hem all the unfinished curtains – DONE 31/5/09
  5. Mend all the clothes on the sewing pile – DONE 19/2/09
  6. Make Christmas cards for family and friends – DONE
  7. Update my family website- DONE 15/3/09
  8. Add at least 2 more generations of ancestors to my GenesReunited Family Tree DONE 21/9/08
  9. Walk Like an Egyptian Photo Challenge – – DONE 2/1/10
  10. Use my watercolours to paint 4 pictures (0/4) – I never did manage this one!
  11. Join a singing group – DONE 2/2/09
  12. Make fudge. – DONE 21/11/09
  13. Take part in 26 ThingsDONE 1/3/10
  14. Learn to play 2 recognisable tunes on the flute (0/2) – I never did manage this one!
  15. Watch 5 friends’ favourite films (3/5) STARTED
  16. Make a Christmas pudding – DONE 29/1//08
  17. Bake every weekend for a term – DONE 31/7/10

Friends & Family

  1. Write to my closest friends instead of sending an e mail – DONE 31/12/08
  2. Have 5 dinner parties (5/5) – DONE 8/1//09
  3. Have 3 BBQs, including one in the winter! (3/3) – DONE 29/5/10
  4. Get my wedding dress cleaned – DONE 15/5/09
  5. Make a will– I never did manage this one!
  6. Host Christmas dinner– I never did manage this one!
  7. Have 6 meals in the freezer at the start of every half term – DONE 1/9/09
  8. Host a fondue or cheese & wine night – DONE
  9. Take Ed to Heston Blumenthal’s pub- DONE 27/3/10
  10. Send at least one ‘thinking of you’ card each month for a year – DONE 1/9/09
  11. Send someone flowers “just because”- DONE 3/2/09
  12. Clear out my room at Mum & Dad’s – I never did manage this one!
  13. Send out my hen party pictures and video- DONE 8/3/09
  14. With Nicola, plan a St Georges reunion- DONE 26/2/09
  15. Let my husband choose a challenge for me – tow a trailer- DONE 12/8/09
  16. Let my best friend choose a challenge for me – mix concrete – DONE 18/2/10
  17. Visit Emma in Newcastle DONE 29/10/08
  18. Throw a party to celebrate my 100 accomplishments! – DONE


Work & Guiding

  1. Complete class reports at least one week before the deadline – DONE 1/7/09
  2. Maintain and update great classroom displays for a year – DONE 1/9/09
  3. Make a Minsk 2007 scrapbook – DONE
  4. Make a 28th Lincoln Guides Unit scrapbook- DONE 19/2/09
  5. Complete Adventure 100 – DONE 1/4/10
  6. Read all the children’s books on my shelf (!)
  7. Go to a jamboree as staff- DONE 8/8/09
  8. Do something amazing in 2010 to celebrate the Guide centenary – DONE 8/8/09
  9. Catalogue all my school books – DONE 1/9/08
  10. Volunteer to do something I wouldn’t normally do – DONE 10/9/08
  11. Organise a county Senior Section trip – I never did manage this one!
  12. Survive OFSTED – DONE 17/3/10
  13. Plan each half term at school in advance for a year – DONE 31/5/09
  14. Make one night a week a “no work and no Guides” night for a year – DONE 1/9/09
  15. Attend Centenary PGL Weekend – DONE 4/7/10
  16. Complete my 75 Nights Away badge – DONE 6/9/09
  17. Make a threshold application – – DONE 21/7/09
  18. Teach a term without using a text book- DONE 3/4/09

The World

  1. Visit Doddington Hall with Karen – DONE
  2. Visit the Eden Project in Summer and Autumn – I never did manage this one!
  3. Return to Longleat to see inside the house – I never did manage this one!
  4. Take Lucy to the beach – DONE
  5. Use Eco-Libris with every new school book purchased for a year – DONE 18/2/10
  6. Participate in FreeCycle at least 6 times DONE 20/8/08 (8/6)
  7. Use my re-usable bags DONE 12/8/08
  8. Go skiing again – I never did manage this one!
  9. Find white flags for our world map DONE 12/12/08
  10. Visit Estonia – I never did manage this one!
  11. Get a pin in the southern hemisphere – I never did manage this one!
  12. Go strawberry picking – DONE 26/7/10
  13. Go on a holiday just using the £1 savings tin – DONE 15/4/09
  14. Take part in a MoonWalk – DONE 2/5/10
  15. Go on a canal boat – DONE
  16. Visit Egypt – DONE 2/1/10
  17. Make at least one loan through KivaDONE 4/6/10
  18. Take part in PostCrossingDONE 31/3/10
  19. Donate £5 to the NSPCC for every unstarted challenge after 1001 days – DONE

My deadline: May 5th 2011

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