The One About Workload

I don’t write often enough, and I certainly don’t write enough about things that matter. Today, I’m thinking about my work. And specifically my workload. I teach. I’m contracted for 13.5 hours over 2.5 days. And yet my children attend […]

The One from Mid-Lent

Mothering Sunday marks mid-Lent. Which means I’m halfway through my Facebook fast. How has it been? I haven’t missed the scrolling through pages of posts I’m not bothered about reading. I have missed seeing pictures of my nephew and niece, […]

The One Without Facebook

I’ve given up Facebook for Lent. I’m still using Twitter, Messenger and WordPress, and I may briefly check Facebook notifications on Sundays if I have time (mostly for event and selling post notifications) This is my experience. I’ll update as […]