The One from Mid-Lent

Mothering Sunday marks mid-Lent. Which means I’m halfway through my Facebook fast. How has it been?

I haven’t missed the scrolling through pages of posts I’m not bothered about reading. I have missed seeing pictures of my nephew and niece, the news of an old friend’s new baby arriving, and being able to browse the selling pages for items to buy and to offer for sale. The biggest annoyance was not being able to easily check on the plans for a meeting of the  Senior a Section unit I volunteer with! Luckily the other leader took on that on my behalf so I could maintain my fasting! 

Will I reinstall the app? Yes. But I’m planning to big tidy up of what I actually see on my timeline. No more Mummy blogs showing cheap sale bargains, or those posts from vloggers that make life look perfect. Family and close friends only. I’ll sort my contacts into groups and share what’s appropriate with the right audience. Those people who never interact at all will be downgraded to “acquaintance” or deleted. Spring cleaning all the way!

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