The One With 101 More Things!

MissE’s arrival had led to lots of “when the kids are …. years old, we must do ….” conversations. Which has led me to re-visit my original 101 things list, and decide to write a second list to focus on.

My list is almost complete (see below) I’ve left space for a few things to develop over time, and some spaces for my closest friends to fill in too.

I’m starting my 101 things on 31st December 2016. My 1001 days will end on Saturday 28th September 2019.

There’s a lot of travel on this list, some of which is planning only as finances and school will no doubt limit my progress in this area!

As before, I will try to blog a bit about my progress….

So, here’s my new list (so far there are 87 things)


Health & Wealth

Join a fitness class
Run another 5k
Hit target weight
2017 weekly saving challenge
2018 weekly saving challenge
Reduce debt by 50%
Complete 5 family bike rides
Do a “big walk”
Pay off my student loan
Start a new £2 tin
Buy MissE a teramundi pot
Wear make-up everyday for a month
Reignite Sewn by Sue
Save £10 every time I complete a “thing”
Donate £10 to the NSPCC for every incomplete “thing”
Use the cross trainer to meet my daily step target
Savings accounts for MrA & MissE


Family & Home
Make MissE a first year book
Print collage pictures for 2013-16
Create a collage pictures album
Finish MrA’s room
Decorate MissE’s room
Organise another Robbie night
Catalogue my special tree decorations
Take MissE swimming
Sleep under the stars
Give the lounge a makeover
Make a cleaning schedule for when I’m at work
Defrost the freezer
Cancel Sky
Hang all the blinds
Try making my own washing detergent


Make MissE a crochet cardigan
Reduce fabric stash by 50%
Make MissE 5 outfits
Paint 5 watercolour pictures
Sew all my camp blanket badges on
Make MissE a camp blanket
Make macarons
Keep the veg beds productive from May to October
Build the BBQ area
Make a new meal every month for a year
Make bread once a month for a year
Make a wildlife area
Make MissE a floor cushion
Make MrA an apron


Visit Estonia
Take the kids to EuroDisney
Plan a trip to Lapland
Plan a trip to Australia
Take MrA hiking
Visit the HP Studio Tour
Go to another F1 race
Visit Kew Gardens with KA
Visit the Eden Project in Autumn
2017 Family Celebration Trip
Plan a 2017 G&G trip
Tea & Tents
See the Northern Lights


Sell my maternity clothes
Sell MrA’s baby clothes
Reduce the amount of clothes I own
Sort contact info and share with Mr
Sort a family online calendar
Sell a tent
Tidy the loft
Arrange travel insurance
Update life insurance


Tidy resources at home
Take a cake every staff meeting for a year
Implement a wellbeing idea
Attend a TeachMeet
CPD course during maternity leave
Use the secret garden every week from April to Oct
Attend the NUT conference


Watch Star Wars
Use Goodreads
Take a Facebook break for Lent
Answer the 50 questions that will free your mind
Get my sewing machine serviced
Take the controls of a plane
Complete a challenge set by No9
Complete a challenge set by No92
Complete a challenge set by Mr
Meet an online friend in person
Watch all of The Big Bang Theory
Watch all of Red Dwarf

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