The One About Action for Happiness (5th Jan)

“Get moving. Do something physically active (ideally outdoors).”

I haven’t ridden my bike in over 10 years. It moved house with me from one shed to another and stayed there. Our son is now able to ride his bike with more stamina and independence, so family bike rides are on the cards.

At just after 9am this morning, I set out on my bike to test my cycling legs (and balance) I’d only intended to cycle to the end of the village and back. 13.34km later I returned home! I enjoyed a lovely hour cycling between three villages and saw all kinds of wildlife, and very few people or cars. Definitely an activity I enjoyed and definitely one I’d like to make a more regular feature in my week. (Although DH is away soon for two weekends, so it’s unlikely to happen til February!)

I love the monthly wellbeing calendars from Action for Happiness. January’s calendar is focussed on Happy New Year. I’ve decided to blog my progress through January’s actions.

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