The one from Twixtmas

Apparently that’s what the period between Christmas and the New Year is sometimes called…..

Thought I’d better do another update on here as I have managed to tick off a few more items – I’m now at 11 tasks completed, 7 underway and 8 long-term tasks progressing as planned.

The latest success is probably another theatre visit – to see Stomp in London.  I’ve also walked non-stop up Steep Hill on the way to the Christmas Market – from Walkabout to the Wig & Mitre (no alcohol was consumed during this walk, I promise!!)

I’ve also added the making of a Christmas pudding to the list, and ticked it off, as it was definitely a challenge, and a great success!!

I’ve done a bit more letter writing, and I’ve finally found white flags for the world map – just need to make them chequered flags now.

My plan for 2009 is to tackle the Couch to 5k program when the evenings start getting lighter and to get walking with the 20s and 30s group.  Travelling will also be high on the agenda – hopefully to Egypt and Estonia.

That’s all for now folks!

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