The one with the dropped stitches

I found them.  That’s basically the crux of this post! Apparently, you need to
create at least one turning chain at the end of each row…..

You may gather from this gripping, ground-breaking discovery that I have once again picked up the crochet book.  I’m working on a little big bag…..  Had to restart  it after beginning the first rown incorrectly….  ooops!  Have now re-made my 88ch starting row and was just about to re-start
when I decided it was too dark in the lounge to do needlework 🙂  Came to find a reading light and got stuck here updating this.

101 progress has been limited of late – I have started a few more tasks – running, 30 Day Sports
Active challenge, etc, but haven’t actually ticked anything off yet.  Hoping to go to Doddington Hall on Wednesday (subject to weather) so that’ll be one more task completed.

Better get a lamp and get back to my stitches…

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