The One About 30 Days of Gratitude (Part 1)

So, I’ve decided to split the 30 days into 3 chunks.

Part One

Day 1 – with a new baby, smells aren’t something I’m often grateful for at the moment! So, I’m going to choose the smell of sausages cooking for dinner, as they remind me that I’m getting over my c section and life is getting back to normal again (whatever normal is with a newborn and a 4 year old!)

Day 2 – where do I begin?!? I use tech a lot! So do I choose Messenger as it allows me to stay in touch with friends and family? Or a digital camera to capture life as it happens? Or the internet in general that means I can access books, news and pictures of cute cats at any hour of the day or night? Today, I’m loving my Amazon Firestick and Sky+,  purely for giving me all manner of shows and films to watch while I’m feeding MissE. Red Dwarf via Plex, and One Mississippi through Amazon Prime. Later it’ll be Paw Patrol from Sky+ with MrA, I would imagine! (I should add thanks to the Geeks from No9 and No92 here for their tech support to get our WiFi working so fabulously and sharing their server content)

Day 3 – Hmmm. A colour? I was hoping for a glorious sunset… but it’s cloudy. That leaves me with white. An odd choice, but I’m grateful that the messy polo shirts MrA comes home in each night can be bleached! They also usually tell the story of his day. Which is good, because he rarely talks about what he’s done! 

Day 4 – This one is easy. Friday is all about food with friends. Tea and cake with a good friend this morning and then pizza Friday with our best friends and their children this evening. Two things that happen most weeks, and which I’m always grateful for .. except when I’m at work and the coffee shop visit happens without me 😉

Day 5 – Bonfire Night. So I guess I’d have to say fireworks, even though MrA hated them.

Day 6 – hmm. I must confess I haven’t left the house today, so nature hasn’t been so close, other than in a few germs that seem to be residing in my throats and I’m not grateful for those! When I have seen glimpses of outside today, the amazing autumn colours have caught my eye. Even in the cold November rain, they’ve lifted my mood.

Day 7 – so many memories! How do I choose only one? The moments when I first saw my babies? My wedding day? The last time I saw my oldest nephew – jumping on a sofa! The night I dressed as a Cheshire Cat for a friend’s party? The day I met my husband? It’s just not possible to choose. I’m grateful for so meant moments because each one has changed my route through life in some way.

Day 8 – there aren’t many books I’ve read and really loved, even fewer that I’d say I’m grateful to have read. I’m a skim reader – I read something and move on – and so I rarely remember details from what I’ve read. I’m going to twist this and say I’m grateful for my Kindle as it has meant I’ve read more books in 4 months than I read all of last year!

Day 9 – a place…. that would have to be my garden. Ideally on a sunny day with a cloudless sky. (Which is the opposite of what it’s like today – grey and under attack from constant rain) My garden isn’t perfect yet, far from it, but as a place to spend time, I love it. 

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