The One About Swapping to The Dark Side

I should start out by explaining exactly what I’ve swapped. For the past 3 mobile phones (or maybe more) I’ve been an Android user. My last 2 phones have been Samsung Galaxy Notes. I had planned to upgrade from a Note 4 to a Note 7 this Autumn. That obviously wasn’t going to be an option with the risks of combusting batteries that have plagued the new model. As a result, in mid-September I found myself hitting “submit” at Apple and ordering an iPhone7 Plus. I was joining the Dark Side.

Roll forwards 6 weeks, and I’m 2 or 3 weeks into owning my new phone and blogging about the changes and differences I’ve noticed so far.

The Positives

  • Changing to iOS from Android was easy using the available app and the “import from Android” option while setting up my new handset. Contacts, messages and even some apps were all moved across without issue.
  • Battery life from the 7 Plus seems good – I’m currently getting around 2 days from a charge.
  • Generally, the interface and menus have been easy to get used to, although I’ve often found my fingers pressing an on-existent back button at the bottom right of the screen and I have had to search Google for some tips on how to carry our son some tasks.

The Negatives 

  • I’ve had to buy many new cables!
  • The new headphones connection via Lightning cable meant I couldn’t charge and listen to music while in hospital recently. I can see that if you were a heavy user, this could become annoying although after-market splitter cables are available.
  • Some apps I’ve used regularly are not not available as iOS apps.

On balance, I’m happy with my move over. How I’ll feel in 18 months time when I’m still paying the spend off and newer tech has come along, I’m not sure. I’m currently awaiting delivery of a Pebble 2 watch, ordered prior to my move to iOS, which is due to arrive in the next few weeks. Seeing how that integrates with the 7 Plus will be the subject of a blog post towards the end of November!

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