The One After the Christmas Adventures

Painting and sticking decorations – we both had lots of fun doing these and our family loved them too!
Make paper chains – another hit! I even let my OCD about patterns relax a bit!
Bake mince pies – we did. .. and ate loads!

Sure Start Christmas trip – much fun was had and no tears were shed in the face of Father C.
Nursery Christmas concert – awh! MrA was cute, but didn’t sing very much!!
Carol concert (or Christingle service) – didn’t achieve this one as he was fast asleep at the required time!
Soft play centre with monkey & his friends – friends didn’t join us but Daddy did. We all had fun!
Family lunch for OH’s birthday – a lovely afternoon together!

Make a start on clearing up the loft  – ah…  didn’t start on this but did plan a 2015 de-junk of the house programme (my next blog post! ) so I have thought about it.

Christmas was a lovely family time for us – not too many excesses and we made some fabulous memories together.  That surely is what it’s all about….

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