The One From the Sky.

Too many times I hear people talk of leaving the UK behind and heading for a new life in the sun. I’ve talked of it myself.  Looked at houses and visas. But I’m writing this in the sky off the Yorkshire Coast having nipped up for a quick flight with a friend and my husband. I’m looking at big skies, rugged cliffs and sprawling purple moorland. I’m remembering the Coast to Coast finishing line party of August 2015 with bunting, horns and bubbly. That feeling in my stomach as the people I love stood all together playing on the sand, chatting like old friends,  all part of a secret meet up that the walkers knew nothing about. And I know, as I smile at that thought,that I’ve made at least 2 sets of eyes leak in writing this. And I know that there is no way I would ever think of any other place as home. This patch of England is where my heart is. 2000ft above Robin Hood’s Bay 🙂


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