The one that marks the re-start

Have decided today to take up this blogging lark more seriously!  I’m going to try and add something more regularly than I was doing – which won’t be hard.

Today saw the arrival of the rhubarb and asparagus crowns for the veg garden, but the beds aren’t quite ready for them yet!  Typical.  Will hopefully get them planted this weekend.
Seeds are beginning to germinate now – cucumber, basil and thyme doing well, chives and sage are getting there too.
I planted out the garlic at the weekend, having started it off in some compost and modules – the green shoots are a good few inches tall now.
The tomato plants we got from F-i-L are doing well too, probably about 12cm tall now.
That’s all for today I think.  Will try and update again after the weekend.

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