The One Where I’m Outnumbered Part 1)

MissE and MrA’s Daddy travels for work. Usually only short trips away, but a few times a year he’s away for a week or two. Today saw the start of what has become his annual January trip across The Pond. My first time being outnumbered in terms of kids:adults.

I should say at the outset that I’m lucky that MrE works flexible hours and is a very hands-on parent and husband. I know some people would willing swap to be in my situation. But whatever situation you’re in is what you’re used to coping with. So, the thought of 2 weeks of solo parenting a 3 month old baby and a 4 year old son is one that has haunted me since the day I wrote the dates of this trip in my diary. Here’s a summary of my first week:

Day 1 – half a day of solo parenting. Starts OK. MissE naps and we get MrA’s homework done. It starts to unravel at dinner time when I amtrying to stir a hot pan while MissE sleeps in the Ergo, and MrA wants a fish fingers and peas (no carbs!) for dinner! By the time bath time comes, it’s all in pieces as both children cry – one is hungry, one has water in his eyes from the shower (he *never* showers… always has a bath!) As I feed MissE in my bed, MrA manages to get in his PJs and choose a story. We read together, distracting MissE from her feed and keeping her awake! He then falls asleep in my bed! Day 2 is likely to bring a visit to the doctor for us all, as MrA has a really bad allergy rash ? 

Day 2 – Rash is a bit better! Breakfasts and school run ✅ wash car ✅ shopping ✅ gym ✅ football club ❌ dinner ❓ bath for MrA ❌ bedtime ✅ My afternoon was interrupted by a call from school to collect MrA as his rash was upsetting him. Phone call to the doctors has secured some stronger medicine and advice to see our GP in 3 days if it isn’t clearing. Itches and scratches meant he didn’t want a bath (again!) He also didn’t eat much. He’s gone to bed in gloves as he’s making himself bleed now ? Enjoyed a brief video chat with MrE after the kids were in bed though. ?

Day 3 – A better night for all. New medicine has improved MrA’s rash, and he managed to eat two bowls of cereal. Breakfasts and school run ✅ online grocery delivery ✅ gymnastics club ✅ dinner ❓bedtime  ❓I am unsure if dinner was a success or  not. We all are but MrA had sausage, jam on toast and tomato ketchup (yes, he did dip his toast in it!) As for bedtime … MrA provided a very infuriating soundtrack of “Mummmmmyyyyyyy I neeeeeeed yooooooooooou” repeatedly while I fed MissE. Hardly a relaxing lullaby. Turns out he wanted a yoghurt!  

Day 4&5 – Easier days as MrA is at after school club. Day 4 had a surprising start – MrA had got himself dressed (but not in his school clothes!) Further investigation revealed wet pjs and bed clothes. But hey – he did the right thing! School run and baby group at SureStart ✅ Even had time this afternoon for a shower, lunch and to declutter the wardrobe while MissE slept ? Afterschool pick up was fine. Then we discovered our oil tank level had dropped from 70% to 30% overnight! Luckily (?) it’s a problem with the monitor not a leaking tank, but it turns out the 30% is the correct reading ? Oh and the dog ate some Lego… luckily she spat it back out! An eventful “easier day” so an early night for me! Day 5 has been a tiring one. MissE woke several times and declared it to be morning at 6am. Got everyone up and out but we were still a bit late today! MissE then slept for 2.5hrs waking up in time to interrupt my lunch! Hoping she’ll sleep through MrA’s class assembly, but I’m doubtful! She didn’t. She fell asleep near the end. MrA decided to come home with me rather than go to after school club, so it’s been a long evening and not much has been achieved. Early bedtimes for MrA & MissE were thwarted by a tired meltdown (him) and an overly long feeding session (her) Breakfast table laid, dog fed and then bed for me too!

 Day 6 – MissE had other ideas about that good night’s sleep… 2am til 4am is apparently a good time for a chat! School run survived again, shopping for MrA’s new PE kit and a visit to the local sling library all before lunch! School run and home for pizza Friday on our own to avoid others’ germs! Bedtime managed and then an early night for me too.

Day 7 – Started with another bad night’s sleep. Decided to visit family. Car had a flat battery. A jump start got us moving and we spent a good afternoon with my sister & her kids! Home with a Happy Meal on the way then a relatively easy bedtime asMissE was asleep from the drive! 

I’ll put week 2 in a separate post!

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