The One With the Scotch Egg

I’ll admit now. ..  The Scotch egg doesn’t take the leading role in tonight’s blog. It played an important part in my picnic lunch though!

Today I was lucky to spend the afternoon with family and friends celebrating the successful fundraising project 10kforOlly  which has raised over £25,000 for the Histiocytosis Research Trust to date in memory of my nephew Oliver who died aged 2 in 2012.

Looking around his grandparents’ garden today I was amazed to see so many people I have only really come to know in the past 2 years.  In itself, that sounds like something to be pleased about – new friends are always a good thing,  surely?

But then I thought back to the reason we were all there…. The reason we’ve run 100s of miles, jumped from aeroplanes,  eaten cake, served teas….  Why did it take Oliver’s death to bring us all together? Why didn’t we all get together when Oliver could have joined us and enjoyed seeing all his family and friends together?

So, I’m sharing a challenge with you – invite people around to yours for a picnic. It doesn’t need to be grand – ask them to bring their own food if you like. ..  don’t worry about a theme, or fancy decorations.  Just get together,  let the kids mess about and enjoy spending time with each other. I
Don’t panic if it’s raining,  hold a carpet picnic! If you’re feeling brave… spread the word wider and get your friends to invite their other friends/family. Oliver’s Mummy and Daddy organised an amazing community picnic last year, attended by over 1000 people…. The sky’s the limit! 

Let me know how you get on!

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