The One About Contagion

*I am not a scientist*

I’ve held off blogging about COVID-19, or coronavirus, until now. But the briefing from Government on 16th March has shaken me and spurred me into action.

As a still relatively young teacher, with no underlying health issues, I am required to attend work still. To associate in close proximity with my pupils (aged 3-7) and the rest of the school community, including parents and other staff. This whole policy seems not to be about my safety and protection, but about keeping the economy going. Using me as childcare to ensure other workers can still work from home. Using those children as virus “mules” to potentially spread the virus at a slower rate. I work with the youngest children in a vibrant, well-resourced classroom. Staff cannot clean every toy, paint brush, pencil and piece of furniture every day. We are putting children and their families at risk by allowing them into the building every day.

Then there are the limitations placed on my “moral compass” in other areas of my life. Government are happy for me engage at school all day, and expect business as usual (other than overseas trips), but then issue vague requests that I should avoid the cafe, theatre and pubs.

It’s time to stop.

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