The One About 30 Days of Gratitude (part 3)

Day 22 – Stories. Do I choose one from my school days (Animal Farm)? Or one I love teaching (A Christmas Carol)? Or perhaps one I remember from childhood (Each Peach Pear Plum)? 

Day 23 – At the weekend we made our Christmas pudding. I love Christmas traditions, and Stir Up Sunday is a good one! MrJ and I have also begun to have a shopping date day in late November to get the presents,which we did today. What actually happened was lunch, coffee & cake and the placing of two large Amazon orders!

Day 24 – a while back I did the 101 Things in 1001 Days challenge. That was great as I really focused on getting things done! I might try it again in a few years- I didn’t do all the things on my list, for varying reasons, so my second lists is already started. There was a lot of travel on there, so it will have to wait til MissE is a bit bigger (and my bank balance is too!)

Day 25 – My moment has to be today. The moment two friends, MissE and I sat enjoying a lazy lunch in a riverside pub, chatting and catching up. It’s the first time we’ve ever all had a shopping trip together, and the first time we have lunched since MissE arrived on the scene. It was definitely a moment to be grateful for. (I’m also grateful for the little moments too … MissE trying out the beginnings of her first smile… MrA singing and dancing to “Feliz Navidad” and on another occasion just singing the “eggs in the morning” part of a jingle from Chris Evans’ Radio 2 show… repeatedly. 
Day 26 – I’m not sure what’s meant by “form of expression” Does it mean art form? In which case, I’d choose music. Such variety and something for ever mood and occasion.
Day 27 – I’m grateful for my touch sensitive bedside light. No fumbling in the dark to find the switch!

Day 28 –  today I’m grateful for a smile that MissE showed me. Small but incredibly special.
Day 29 – I can’t choose just one! MrE is someone I am eternally grateful for – especially in the last few months when he taken such good care of me & our beautiful children. But my best friends at No9 and No92 have also been amazing too. I honestly can’t pick a favourite!!
Day 30 – today I’m grateful I can feed MissE wherever she demands it! Costa, a random side street 10 miles from home, a lay by on “the big road”, a bench in a shopping centre… and that’s just today!

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