The One About Action for Happiness (2nd Jan)
I love the monthly wellbeing calendars from Action for Happiness.
January’s calendar is focussed on Happy New Year. I’ve decided to blog my progress through January’s actions.
Today’s action is “make time to do something kind for yourself”. Now, I have to confess that I had a self-care afternoon/evening yesterday on the sofa watching The Crown on Netflix, so what I do today should really be different from that. And, annoyingly, today has been about getting back to work (an online training course for for my second job) and ticking off jobs from the holiday to do list – ironing, paperwork, paying bills… 😱 Not traditional self-care activities.
My plan this evening is to make time to do something I love – putting together photo montages for my family scrap book. I always mean to do them as we do things, but I never get around to it. So, I’ll be at my computer all night looking back over memories from the last 6 months (told you I don’t do it often enough!) and thinking about all the things we have ahead to look forward to.
Tomorrow is “spread happiness by doing kind things for others”. I have some ideas in one for that one already!