The One About Action for Happiness (1st Jan)

I love the monthly wellbeing calendars from Action for Happiness.

January’s calendar is focussed on Happy New Year. I’ve decided to blog my progress through January’s actions.

1st – Find three good things to look forward to.

First has to be our summer holiday. Last year, we spent an amazing week at Malham Tarn Field Studies Centre on a Real Family Holiday. We had so much fun there, we’ve booked another holiday at one of their centres in Wales this summer.

Second is my birthday! In a couple of months, I will turn 40. As luck would have it, that happens while I will be away on holiday with my family – a fact which escaped my attention when it was booked. I’m hoping to have a night out with my closest friends shortly after my birthday too.

Thirdly, I’m excited about the professional opportunities this year could bring. I’ve been elected to the Council of the Chartered College, have another day supporting CTeach participants booked and intend on applying for Fellowship of the College too. I’ve a place at #PrimaryRocks and intend to be #10percentbraver there and actually interact face to face with some of the lovely teachers I have “met” via Twitter.

Tomorrow’s challenge is to make time to do something kind for myself…. ideas welcomed on what that could be!

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